I respectfully urge you who study the mystery, 
don't pass your days and nights in vain.

Sekito Kisen, Sandokai

Tentative Learning and Teaching Schedule of an Itinerant Monk:


Click here to view Teaching Schedule for Pranopaya at MIT

Click here to see Retreat Schedule for Bodhimarga

Click here to see previous years' Teaching Schedule

Join Venerable Tenzin on Facebook and stay informed about upcoming talks, retreats, and video posts.

2012 Selected Events:
(Subjected to Principle of Uncertainity)


2-6: Rajgir (Bihar), India
9: Ethics Training | Osmania Medical College Auditorium, Hyderabad, India
9: Transformative Leadership | Indian School of Business- CEO's Club, Hyderabad, India
10: Ethics & Wellbeing | SVP National Police Academy and IAS College of India, Hyderabad, India
11: Buddhist Ethics | Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hyderabad
12-14: Teachings for the Indian Community | Amravati & Vijayawada | Organized by Rotary Club of Vijayawada and Dharma Deepam Foundation
Contact: Mr. Anjaneya Reddy - IPS (Retd) T +91.9866706767 |   

23: Teachings on Six Perfections | Tushita, New Delhi, India


2: Keynote--Greater Good Series, National University of Singapore, Singapore
3: Teachings at the Buddhist Library, Singapore
10-12: Teachings in Southern California | University of Southern California & Chapman University
18-19: Compassionate Youth Leadership Program | Sun Valley, ID
24-26: Retreat in Colorado


3: Retreat at MIT | Cambridge, MA
31-April 1: Retreat in Colorado


7-17: Moscow & Kalmykia, Russia

9: Promoting Inter-Religious Harmony- A Dialog with Heads of Russian Orthodx Church and Muslim Community in Kalmykia
10: Finding Happiness in the Modern World | Public Talk at Kalmyk State University
9-12: Teachings on the Sutra of Golden Light (abb. title: suvarnaprabhasa nama mahayana sutra)| Central Temple of Kalmykia

14 апреля 2012, 12.30
«Мудрость созерцания»

В ходе лекции, в частности, планируется освещение следующих тем:
* Созерцание – ключ к раскрытию осознанности и интуиции
* Созерцание – искусство исцеления

Организаторы: Фонд «Сохраним Тибет»
Межкультурный центр «Традиции Земли»
При поддержке: Центра-музея им. Н.К.Рериха
Центра тибетской культуры и информации

Лекция состоится в Центре-музее им. Н.К.Рериха
Москва, Малый Знаменский пер., 3/5
Проезд до ст. метро "Кропоткинская"

15 апреля 2012, 17.30
«Поиски счастья в современном мире»

Открытая лекция и обсуждение

Организаторы: Фонд «Сохраним Тибет»
При поддержке: Группы «Аватар»
Центра тибетской культуры и информации

Лекция состоится в зале Группы «Аватар»
Адрес: Гранатный переулок, 12 (метро Баррикадная)

27: An Expedition from Darkness to Light: Reflections on Bodhichitta | Talk in Santa Barbara, CA
28-29: Between Samsara and Nirvana: A Retreat on Bardo | Santa Barbara, CA | Contact:  Susie Koesterer, T: 805-570-1359.  E:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Compassionate Youth Leadership Program | Sun Valley, ID
12: Retreat at MIT | Cambridge, MA
15: Transformation of Self and Society | Parsons The New School for Design, Auditorium:  Room 1009
6 East 16th Street, 10th floor (Between Fifth Avenue and Union Square West), New York City


Teachings in India


27-29: Retreat in Colorado

3: Mindfulness Research and Practice | American Academy of Management Annual Meeting | Boston, MA
24-26: Retreat in Colorado


15: Retreat at MIT, Cambridge, MA
21-23: Retreat in Colorado


3-4: Teachings in Singapore
5-10: Teachings in Borobudur, Indonesia
23: Keynote at Rotary International Governors' Meetings
24: Keynote at NASSCOM CEO Forum, India
24: Keynote at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry for Women, India


1: Retreat at MIT, Cambridge, MA
7-13: Winter Weeklong Intensive: Vajrasattva Purification Retreat | Colorado
Retreat in Orange County, CA

