tenzin_archeryI often had to recognize that the need "to do something special" was born of a restless spirit. Such persons wanted to dedicate themselves to larger tasks because those that lay nearest did not satisfy them. Often, too, it was evident that they had been brought to their decisions by quite secondary considerations. Only a person who can find a value in every sort of activity and devote himself to each one with full consciousness of duty, has the inward right to take as his object some extraordinary activity instead of that which falls naturally to his lot. Only a person who feels his preference to be a matter of course, not something out of ordinary, and who has no thought of heroism, but just recognizes a duty undertaken with sober enthusiasm, is capable of becoming a spiritual adventurer such as the world needs. There are no heroes of action: only heroes of renunciation and suffering. Of such there are plenty. But few of them are known, but even these not to the crowd, but to the few.

--Albert Schweitzer, Out of my life and thought

Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT
Prajnopaya- The Buddhist Community at MIT
Mandala @ MIT


Prajnopaya Institute
Shanti Stupa, India
Bodhimarga: CyberDharma


The Prajnopaya Foundation


Through A Monk's Eye: Photograph Gallery


Revival: Sanskrit Buddhist Chants

"Mesmerizing Buddhist chants in Sanskrit evoking the days of Nalanda..."

"The Ven. Tenzin LS Priyadarshi's soft powerful chanting, in a warm lush instrumental setting, offers a deep spiritual experience for the listener. A beautiful recording!

- Paul Horn (Flutist & Musician, "Inside the Taj Mahal")

"With a great depth of Devotion that is lit with Wisdom, Tenzin Priyadarshi creates a beautiful offering of Ancient Buddhist Prayers."

- Krishna Das (Singer, "Pilgrim of the Heart")

"Deeply touching and mesmerizing! Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi's profound voice touches your heart and caresses your soul. An invitation to a journey inward."

- Fey (Singer,"Tierna la Noche" Grammy Nominee, Member of the Grammy Academy)

Bodhicarya: a reflection

84,000 gates to the Dharma;
Perceived through the 5 senses -

Do I see suffering? Do I hear the cry?
Do I smell discrimination and injustice?
Do I taste the bitterness of hatred?
Do I feel the heat of anger and
the chill of insensitivity?

When was the last time I heard a calling?
Nay! When was the last time I called to myself?

Still mind - vibrant compassion - pervasive altruism

Reflect- Think- Act.

What is the world I wish to create?

(Calcutta, India. 1999)